Search and rental of
Apartements / Accomodation
Do you require an accomodation ?
LSP Service finds and rents appartments / accomodations for your employees.
We ensure communications between landlords and employees
LSP Service – your reliable partner
For enterprises

- We take care about accomodating your employees during their mission in Germany and other countries within the EU
- We rent the corresponding accomodations and provide these to your employees
- We act as mediator between the landlords of the accomodations, and their employees
- We ensure rental payments in advance and on time
For landlords

- We take care of language based difficulties
- You can reach us at any time
- As contractual partners you can rely on reliable payments
- We communicate in multiple languages
Don´t hesitate to contact us:
LSP Service GmbH & Co. KG
Wilkensstraße 51
D-53913 Swisttal-Odendorf
Tel. +49 2255 305 9020
Fax +49 2255 952340
LSP Service GmbH & Co. KG
Wilkensstraße 51
D-53913 Swisttal-Odendorf
Copyright 2024 LSP Service I Websiteservice